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Title: Enhancement of spring salmon- Proceedings of a one-day conference held in the Rooms of the Linnean Society of London
Author: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Document Type: Monograph
An attendance of approximately 150 delegates from all parts of the British Isles, Canada and Norway indicated the growing concern over the general demise of our valuable stocks of spring salmon. The undoubted success of this well-attended conference was in part due to its being preceded by a half-day workshop on the same subject the day previously. Attendance at this workshop was limited to those scientists and managers directly involved in research into or management of spring salmon. The intensity of debate and exchange of ideas at this workshop was most valuable. It was also useful preparation for the extensive discussion which emanated from a much wider audience stimulated both by the speakers' papers and a number of questions laid before the delegates at the outset. These seven questions are now set out below to both help the reader through these proceedings and stimulate his or her own thoughts on the subject. Articles and sections included in this report are: "introduction" by D. Mills; "the decline of spring salmon" by A. Youngson; "changes in spring salmon abundance in Scotland with particular reference to the River North Esk" by D. Dunkley; "a review of factors affecting the abundance and catch of spring salmon from the River Wye and proposals for stock maintenance and enhancement" by A. Winstone and P. Gough; "declines of Scottish spring salmon and thermal habitat in the Northwest Atlantic: how are they related?" by D. Reddin and K. Friedland; "predicted increases in the returns of mult-sea-winter salmon to home waters following the reduction in fishing at Faroes and Greenland" by E.C.E. Potter; "grilse and multi-sea-winter salmon: some smoke and a few mirrors?" by N. Wilkins and M. O'Farrell; "spring salmon enhancement on the Delphi Fishery, Ireland" by T.J. McDermott, S.E. Willis and P. Mantle and "summing up the evidence" by R.G.J. Shelton.
Publisher: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Pitlochry
Subject Keywords: Salmon fisheriesFishery managementPopulation decreaseCatchesRiver fisheriesMarine fisheriesMortalityHabitatsPopulation distributionAcidificationHatcheriesAnglingFishing methodsFishing netsGenetics
Geographic Keywords: EuropeNorth America
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo salarSalmonidae
Extent: 135
Total file downloads: 222

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