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Title: Atlantic Salmon Trust Summer Journal 2005
Author: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Document Type: Monograph
Atlantic Salmon Trust Winter Summer 2005 is one of the two AST periodicals published in 2005. It contains regular AST news items in addition to scientific conferences, books and DVD reviews and historical articles concerning the AST and associated organisations. Articles included in this journal are: "what does the AST biologist do?" by John Webb (AST); "Rod catches: factoring in flows" by J.L. Thorley, A. McKenzie-McHarg, C. Soulsby and A.F. Youngson (Fishery Research Services); "the Moray Firth Seal Management Plan: A pilot project for managing seal and salmon interactions in Scotland" by J. Butler (Spey District Salmon Fishery Board); "Restoring salmon numbers" by B. Rawlings; "North Atlantic Salmon Fund (UK)" by A. Whitehead (NASF(UK)); "an update on the threat to British salmon from Gyrodactylus salaris" by C.Cunningham (FRS Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, Scotland) and A. Walker (FRS Freshwater Laboratory, Pitlochry, Scotland); "association of Rivers Trust" by A. Rickard (ART) and "getting the balance right" by T. Andrew (Scottish Countryside Alliance).
Publisher: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Publication Date: 2005
Publication Place: Pitlochry
Subject Keywords: Salmon fisheriesCatchesEnvironmental factorsRiver fisheriesEstuarine fisheriesFish diseases
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo salarSalmonidae
Extent: 36
Total file downloads: 232

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