Title: Surveying and tracking salmon in the sea
Author: E.C.E. Potter
Author: A. Moore
Document Type: Monograph
The report begins by outlining the reasons that people need to know about salmon in the sea. It then goes on to consider the ways we may approach these problems and the research opportunities provided by the wide range of techniques that are available or are likely to be developed in the foreseeable future. Many of these techniques require the development of sophisticated equipment such as electronic tags or the use of research vessels which are costly to operate. The Workshop therefore considered the scope for collaborative studies to make the best use of available technical expertise and resources. The Workshop recognised the importance of having a clear understanding of the problems that needed to be addressed before considering the various techniques that might be used to study them. They considered three principal areas of concern: the reduced marine survival of some salmon stocks in recent years; the longer-term changes in the age composition and run liming of stocks in some regions; and the need to base management of stocks on a much clearer understanding of the factors affecting abundance. This report is based upon the wide ranging and detailed discussions that took place during the workshop along with additional reviews of relevant literature. References are made to contributions made in the form of unpublished reports (R) and during discussion (D), in addition to published papers.
Publisher: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Publication Date: 1992
Publication Place: Pitlochry
Subject Keywords: Salmon fisheries; Marine fisheries; Fishery surveys; Telemetry; Catches; Acoustics; Life cycle; Population distribution; Environmental factors
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom; Europe; North America
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo salar; Salmonidae
Extent: 51
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ast:127
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