Title: A review of Irish salmon and salmon fisheries
Author: Ken Vickers
Document Type: Monograph
Salmon fisheries have from earliest times been of importance in the Irish context. As an outcome of unsettled times and conquest the right to the exclusive exploitation in most of the river systems was granted to individuals or corporate organisations during the 16th and 17th centuries, and in many instances such grants included the estuaries in addition to fresh waters. However, many of the trapping installations on these fisheries had already been in existence for many years. This report aims to analyse the Irish salmon fisheries and its legislation background, fishing methods, salmon catches, genetics, diseases, telemetry methods and conservation.
Publisher: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Publication Date: 1988
Publication Place: Pitlochry
Subject Keywords: Salmon fisheries; Fishery management; Fishery organisations; Population distribution; Fishery policies; Legislation; Fishing methods; Fishing nets; Catches; Fish diseases; Hatcheries; Telemetry; Angling; Conservation strategy
Geographic Keywords: Europe
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo salar; Salmonidae
Extent: 33
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ast:138
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