Title: Information on the status of salmon stocks
Author: Salmon Advisory Committee
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: Co-published with the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland and Welsh Office Agriculture Department
Published in 1988 and reprinted in 1994
This first Salmon Advisory Committee report relates to the Committee's examination of particular aspects of the availability of information on the status of wild salmon, one of the first issues to be referred to it by Fisheries Ministers. It contains the Committee's consideration of the kinds of information that existed, the quality of that information and its availability. It makes recommendations regarding the need for comparable and reliable data sets and comment on the basic information which is required so as to monitor the country's salmon stocks more effectively. The Committee agreed that it was important to deal first with this fundamental aspect of salmon affairs before turning its attention (as it has since done) to the other matters referred to it by Ministers, for example the effects of environmental and other factors on salmon stocks.
Publisher: MAFF Publications
Publication Date: 1994
Publication Place: London
Subject Keywords: Salmon; Salmon fisheries; Fishery data; Fishery management; Data collection; Spawning; Catches; Life cycle
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo salar; Salmonidae
Extent: 15; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ast:47
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