Title: Progress Report June 1996
Author: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Document Type: Monograph
This report is the The Atlantic Salmon Trust (AST) summer progress report of 1996. It provides information about AST initiatives, news, international meeting reviews, research, financial statements and AST publications of 1996. Articles included in this report are: "post NASCO salmon study tour-Southwest Sweden" by Derek Mills; "fishing-eating birds- action in prospect?"; "Westcountry Rivers Trust" by Michael Martin; "Countryside Stewardship- the benefits for salmon" by Jeremy Read; "fisheries management Plans: some personal thoughts and experiences" by Ronald Campbell; "where have all the springers gone?" by Jeremy Read; "the effects of temperature on the larval development of early and late-running Atlantic salmon" by Anne McLay and Gideon Pringle; "Scottish Fisheries Protection Agency" by P.E. du Vivier; "Social, economic and management aspects of recreational fisheries: EIFAC Symposium at Dublin, June 1996" by Robert Williamson and "review of scientific literature on salmon" by Dr. Derek Mills.
Publisher: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Pitlochry
Subject Keywords: Salmon fisheries; Fishery management; River fisheries; Estuarine fisheries; Fish migration; Life cycle; Fish farms; Predator prey relations; Birds; Fisheries action plans; Catches; Spawning
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom; Europe
Taxonomic Keywords: Salmo salar; Salmonidae
Extent: 46
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ast:91
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