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Title: Hydrology and water quality monitoring, Caudworthy Water at Caudworthy Ford, Tamar catchment
Related Party - Individual (Point of Contact): Professor Adie Collins* (Rothamsted Research) Email address:
Related Party - Organisation (Funder): Defra
Caudworthy Water (manipulated site for the Tamar DTC; paired with BCAS) at the Caudworthy Ford monitoring site (CFAS) had a suite of instruments installed, including a 6600 series multi-parameter sonde for the measurement of PH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and temperature; an Analite NEP395 for the measurement of turbidity. A CNS type submersible pressure transducer was used to measure stage height and a mainstream doppler velocity transmitter was used to measure flow velocity. Stage height and flow velocity was imputed into a MACE Flo Pro to estimate flow discharge at 15-minute resolution. Three out of seven culverts under a road bridge were monitored. All instruments were continuously monitored remotely and downloaded data were stored on a CR200 data logger. An ISCO 3370 sampler was used to collect daily water samples from the river for further analysis in the project laboratory. All N species and P fractions were analysed on a Skalar San++ continuous flow analyser. NPOC was measured by catalytic oxidation on a Shimadzu TOC analyser.
Subject Keywords: Water qualityMonitoringHydrology
Geographic Keywords: Tamar catchment
Time Window -  Start: 2012-12-20 End: 2014-03-31
Publication Date: 2016-05-09

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