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Supplementary File

Title: Pow Beck Catchment Outlet Analogue QC file
Pow Beck Catchment Outlet Analogue QC file - supplementary file detailing error codes for the Newby Beck outlet Hach Lange equipment. Use this to identify gaps in data.
Related Party - Individual (Project Scientist): Doctor Nick Barber (Durham University) Email address:
Related Party - Organisation (Deliverer): Eden DTC
Time Window -  Start: 2011-09-13 14:00 End: 2015-12-10 15:09:00
Subject Keywords: Quality assuranceWater quality measurements
Geographic Keywords: Eden (river, Cumbria)CumbriaEngland

Geographic Extent -
    Longitude (West): -2.958236
    Longitude (East): -2.953687
    Latitude (South): 54.840513
    Latitude (North): 54.843256

Publication Date: 2016-07-19

This data is made available under the terms of the FBA Licence.

Total file downloads: 450

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