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Title: Old Bedford consultation report summary
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: Old Bedford incorporating the Middle level and Ouse washes - consultation report summary - May 1997
This booklet shows some example of problems and challenges facing the "Old Bedford" area: protection of the Ouse Washes; conerns over Maintaining Farming in the Longer term; development and Land Use Considerations; and sewage treatment impacts upon Water Quality. Created originally as a defence from flooding, the Ouse Washes are also one o f the country's few remaining areas of washland habitat - which supports a large variety of bird life and is highly designated, eg, as a Site of Special Scientific Interest, etc. The Consultation Report describes the complexities of managing the Washes for the benefit of all, eg, ensuring satisfactory water levels in the summer and winter and that habitat management continues,in partnership with landowners, users and English Nature. Farming dominates the economy in this locality and illustrates how man drained the Fens to create some of the most productive soils in the UK for vegetables and cereals. Production is now geared towards the demands of the market place - high quality and year-round produce. This has meant increased reliance on irrigation and although current water demands are met, increased demands in the future or during droughts cannot be.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Place: Peterborough
Extent: n.p. [8]
Total file downloads: 160

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