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Title: Atmospheric inputs of pollutants to surface waters
Author: I.T. Cousins
Author: C.D. Watts
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: R&D 015/10/T
Data from atmospheric sampling carried out this year are presented in this report. A novel GC-MS (multiple ion detection) method was developed to analyse the 21 organic contaminants selected for further study in the final year of the project. The majority of sampling this year has been focused on the Hartland Point sampling station since this site is vital to establishing background levels of pollutants. Initial results show that PAHs and a few persistent organochlorine contaminants are present in atmospheric samples taken at Hartland Point at levels similar to those measured at the other sampling sites. However, at present there are only a few results for Hartland Point and accurate quantitative comparison between data collected from other sampling sites may not be meaningful.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Atmospheric dataSamplingPollution monitoringSurface water
Geographic Keywords: HartlandDevon
Extent: 19
Total file downloads: 58

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