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Title: Report for Anglian Water, plc on the use of the Orwell Estuary mathematical model to derive long term consent limits for Cliff Quay STW
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
Following an investigation into estuary uses it was agreed to set the long term Environmental Quality Specification to achieve CEWP class B from the freshwater limit (Horseshoe Weir) to Pin Mill and Class A from Pin Mill to the Estuary Mouth. The Orwell estuary model was used to assess the resulting estuary water quality with different effluent flows and qualities and so used to propose Long Term Consent limits for Cliff Quay STW. It is proposed that should the volumes discharged alter then the consent is recalculated to maintain the same load. A matrix of consents for Cliff Quay STW for different flows has been calculated.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1989
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: RiversEstuariesWater qualityModelsModellingDrainageSewerageEnvironmental qualityPollutant loadAmmoniaDissolved oxygen
Geographic Keywords: Orwell EstuaryStour catchmentSuffolk
Extent: 29; + figure
Total file downloads: 79

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