Title: Controlling the inputs of persistent chemical to marine waters from land-based sources
Author: R.J. Pentreath
Document Type: Monograph
In order to prevent pollution of the aquatic environment it is necessary to control the discharge of many substances simply because of their immediate effect on the receiving water, such as that of lowering the oxygen concentration or of making the water turbid.
Other substances, however, have to be controlled because they are persistent and toxic to aquatic life over various timescales because of their accumulation into their tissues, or because they affect the relative abundance of different forms of plant life. Such substances are carried down rivers into estuaries, and hence to the sea, as well as being directly discharged - often from industrial plants sited on estuarine shores - or simply arising from many and varied diffuse sources because of their general use. There are a number of current initiatives which address the need to reduce the input of such chemicals from point sources. At the same time, however, it is necessary to assess their total input from the land to the sea such that greater control and reduction can be effectively achieved. In order to do so, a programme is in hand - which also provides data in relation to a number of international commitments - to make such large scale assessments. These data are being obtained by all ten of the NRA regions in England and Wales, and collated by staff in the NRAs Anglian region.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: [1991]
Publication Place: [Bristol]
Subject Keywords: Aquatic environment; Marine environment; Pollution control; Chemical compounds; Toxic substances; Bioaccumulation
Extent: 22; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3147
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