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Title: Water for Welsh region: a consultation document (bilingual): Dwr i ranbarth Cymru : dogfen ymgynghori
Author: National Rivers Authority Welsh Region
Document Type: Monograph
The purpose of this document is: to present information on the current use of water resources in Welsh Region of the National Rivers Authority; to suggest how use and demand may change over the next three decades; to identify possible options and solutions for meeting future demands; to invite comment on the management of water resources; and to provide a reference document on the water resources of the Welsh Region. The Welsh Region of the National Rivers Authority (NRA) has plentiful water resources, but they are heavily utilised by man. As the licensing authority for water abstraction the NRA has a statutory duty to secure the proper use of water resources. In undertaking this role, the NRA aims to manage water resources to achieve a balance between the needs of the environment and those of abstractors.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Cardiff
Subject Keywords: Water resourcesWater managementSustainable developmentStrategiesConsultation
Geographic Keywords: Wales
Extent: 26
Total file downloads: 195

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