Title: East Devon public water supply strategy : preliminary assessment of the yield of Clatworthy reservoir
Author: A. Higgins
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: environmental protection report
Wimbleball reservoir is presently used by both South West Water Services Limited (SWWSL) and Wessex Water Services Limited (WWSL) for public water supply. Both SWWSL and WWSL expect to require increased resources to meet forecast public water supply demands. SWWSL have demonstrated a need for additional resources in their East Devon supply area and have been granted a licence to develop Wimbleball pump storage. WWSL have still to fully justify the need for additional resources in Somerset. Many of the details relating to the proposed pump storage scheme including the relative allocation of any increased yield between the two companies has still to be determined via an Operational Management Strategy involving SWWSL, WWSL and the National Rivers Authority (NRA). The purpose of this study was to consider the yield available from Clatworthy reservoir which is an important part of the re sou rc e-demand balance for WWSL Somerset supply area. WWSL have recently estimated the yield available from Clatworthy using behaviour analysis. A different approach, also using behaviour analysis has been used by NRA SW to check this yield estimate, to test the sensitivity of reservoir yield to the amount of reserve storage and the demand profile, and to determine whether the system is one or two season critical.
Publisher: National Rivers Authority
Publication Date: 1993
Publication Place: Exeter
Extent: n.p. [111]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:3715
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