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Title: Mean Trophic Rank: A User's Manual
Author: N.T.H. Holmes
Author: J.R. Newman
Author: S. Chadd
Author: K.J. Rouen
Author: L. Saint
Author: F.H. Dawson
Document Type: Monograph
The principal purpose of this manual is to provide comprehensive procedural guidance on how to carry out Mean Trophic Rank (MTR) macrophyte surveys to assess the trophic status of rivers, and on the use of the method for the designation of sensitive areas (eutrophic) (SA(E)) under the requirements of the EC Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD). The manual describes what the MTR system is, for what purposes it can be used and how to use it. It gives guidance on where and when to undertake MTR surveys, how to carry out the macrophyte survey in the field, how use the information gained to calculate an MTR, how to interpret results for the purposes of the UWWTD and how to maximise that the quality of the information gathered. Uses of the method for purposes other than the requirements of the UWWTD are also considered. The procedures described are intended as the standard method for undertaking MTR surveys, and as the standard macrophyte survey method to be used by the Environment Agency for the purposes of the UWWTD. The methodology is applicable throughout the UK and so the manual will be of use not only to Environment Agency staff but also to regulatory agencies in Scotland and Northern Ireland, statutory and non-statutory conservation bodies, and others interested in the trophic status of rivers.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Macrophytes; Surveys; Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive; Phosphorus; Nutrients; Eutrophication; Monitoring; Monitoring techniques; Survey methods; Trophic levels
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom
Extent: 99; + appendices
Total file downloads: 262

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