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Title: Exe : consultation draft : July 1999
Author: Environment Agency South West Region
Document Type: Monograph
The publication of the Exe LEAP Consultation Draft marks the start of a three-month period of formal consultation enabling external organisations and the general public to work with us in planning the future improvements to the local environment. At the end of the consultation period we will produce a Statement of Public Consultation which will give the results of the process. This LEAP encompasses the entire catchment of the River Exe, covering an area of 1,5 30 km'. It drains diverse habitats ranging from the moorland of Exmoor National Park at the headwaters of the River Exe, to the Exe Estuary at Exmouth. This area will subsequently be referred to as 'the catchment'. The River Exe rises at a level of 450 metres Above Ordnance Datum (AOD) on Exmoor and descends 87.2 kilometres from its source to the tidal limit, of which 82.7 kilometres is designated Main River Length. The main tributaries of the River Exe are the River Culm, River Barle, River Clyst and the River Creedy. The catchment extends across several different landscape types. The Rivers Exe and Barle rise in the wet open moorland of Exmoor, before running south-eastward through steep-sided valleys with extensive broad-leaved woodlands. Further east, smaller tributaries run off the Brendon Hills, with the River Haddeo dammed to create Wimbleball Reservoir. Man has modified much of the Exmoor landscape, with extensive enclosure and agricultural improvement taking place in the nineteenth century giving it a less rugged appearance than much moorland.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Exminster
Subject Keywords: ConsultationLocal action plans (EA)Catchment managementEnvironmental planningEnvironmental managementRiversWater qualityWater pollutionRiver Quality ObjectivesEnvironmental impactRiver fisheriesFish migrationRecreation
Geographic Keywords: ExeEast Devon catchmentDevon
Extent: 76; + maps
Total file downloads: 345

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