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Title: New Defences for Christchurch
Author: Environment Agency South West Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Dorset town of Christchurch lies at the head of Christchurch Harbour, and the confluence of the rivers Avon and Stour. The narrow harbour entrance - called The Run - reduces the force of the tides from the English Channel. During spring tides the tidal range can still reach two metres. Another characteristic of Christchurch Harbour is double peak tides. The town has suffered flooding problems, particularly the low-lying Bridge Street area. Much of Bridge Street is within a Conservation Area, which includes 20 Listed Buildings, and a Scheduled Ancient Monument; Town Bridge. The Avon Valley is recognised as an internationally important area for wildlife. It is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a proposed Special Area of Conservation as a result of it exhibiting the widest range of habitats and hence greatest diversity of flora and fauna, found in any chalk river in Great Britain. Through Christchurch the mean high water mark is the boundary of the SSSI. The river valley and floodplain also qualifies for protection under the Ramsar Convention and is a Special Protection Area. In 1994 the town celebrated the 900th anniversary of its Priory, which reflects the history of Christchurch as a settlement. Flooding by tides and high river flows on the River Avon in Christchurch has been a regular occurrence. Although serious river flooding has occurred - for example in 1960 - flooding in the Christchurch area has been dominated by tidal events. The most recent major flood was in December 1989 when 40 properties in Bridge Street were inundated above floor level by high tides.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: FloodingRiversHistoryFlood controlFlood defence structuresFlood risk management
Geographic Keywords: Christchurch (Dorset)Avon (Devon)
Extent: 11
Total file downloads: 31

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