Title: New Forest LEAP
Author: Environment Agency Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
This Final Plan is the third stage in the process for the New Forest area, and follows on from the Consultation Report which was published in April 1998. The plan sets out a programme of actions which the Environment Agency and partner organisations intend to carry out over the next five years, to protect and enhance the local environment. Published Draft Consultation reports will cover all parts of England and Wales by the end of 1999, but this is only the first milestone in what will be an on going national programme of LEAPs, which will be regularly up dated, developed and improved. The New Forest LEAP area is defined by the rainfall catchment of the River Lymington and the River Beaulieu and covers 450.49km2 - from Walkford Brook in the West to Beulieu in the East. This LEAP covers a large proportion of the New Forest Heritage Area; the remainder of the Heritage Area, principally in the north and west, is to be covered by the Hampshire Avon LEAP. The LEAP catchment lies almost entirely within the administrative area of New Forest District Council, with the exception of a very small area in the south-west which lies within Christchurch District. The Heritage Area, whose status is equivalent to National Park under Government policy, is designated by New Forest District Council as an area intended to ensure continuity of ecological habitats and to prevent development in adjacent areas which may have an adverse effect on the
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA); Catchment management; Environmental management; Environmental planning; Water quality; Flood control; Waste management; Rivers; River fisheries; Nature conservation
Geographic Keywords: New Forest catchment; Hampshire
Extent: 57
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1109
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