Title: Kentish Stour local Environment Agency plan : March 2000
Author: Environment Agency Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
This Kentish Stour LEAP sets out a programme of action which the Agency and partner organisations intend to carry out over the next five years in order to protect and enhance the local environment of the catchment. As with all such programmes, funding for these actions will be subject to availability and to changes in priority, within the Agency and externally, both locally and nationally. The LEAP has been developed from the Consultation Draft and is intended to be a stand-alone document but is best used in conjunction with the documents detailed below which support it and from which it has been developed. The LEAP transforms the proposals put forward in the Consultation Draft into agreed actions in the light of comments received during the consultation process. It will guide the Agencys activities in the Area for the next five years and will hopefully influence the activities of other key bodies. Where more background information or greater detail of an issue is required, reference should be made to the Environment Overview.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: West Mailing
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA); Catchment management; Environmental management; Environmental planning; Water quality; Rivers; Flood control; Drought; Biodiversity; Land use
Geographic Keywords: Stour (Kent); Kent (county)
Extent: 36
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1113
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