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Title: Pollution prevention and control update - Anglian region
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Anglian Region is one of the largest of the Agency's eight regions. It covers about 27,500 square kilometres of eastern England, an area which is nearly 18 % of England and Wales. The Region's boundaries extend from the Humber in the north to the Thames in the south and from the North Sea in the east to as far west as (but not including) Oxfordshire. Anglian is the fastest-growing Region economically, with significant population growth. It is mainly low-lying and flat. It has low rainfall and intensive agriculture and there are many competing needs for water. Its rivers and wetlands depend on us all leaving sufficient water for ecological needs. Anglian Region deals with numbers of developments, abstractions and discharges which are large compared with the rest of England and Wales. The Region faces everincreasing competition for scarce water resources, and the vital need to protect waters of high quality. However, Anglian Region has seen the strongest improvement in river quality since records began, greater than anywhere else in the UK. Each year the Region, which has some of the largest landfill sites in Britain, has to dispose of more than 25 million tonnes of waste through over 900 licensed waste facilities; a massive operation which requires registering over 8,000 waste carriers and carrying out more than 16,000 site inspections a year.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Pollution preventionLocal action plans (EA)Anglian Water AuthorityWaste legislationAir qualityWater qualityRivers
Geographic Keywords: NorfolkEast AngliaThe BroadsEA Anglian
Extent: 27
Total file downloads: 256

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