Title: North Cornwall : action plan, July 1998
Author: Environment Agency South West Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Local Environment Agency Plan process within the Environment Agency includes the production of two documents; a Consultation Report and an Action Plan. The Consultation Report describes the Agency vision for each catchment, identifies problems and acts as a focus for consultation between the Environment Agency and other interested parties. Following consultation, the Action Plan identifies actions to resolve the problems and issues. The Plans are part of an ongoing dialogue between ourselves and the various organisations and individuals involved in the protection and management of the environment. They also provide background data for Agency responses to development plans and highlight our concerns about development. This Action Plan follows the production of the North Cornwall Consultation Report and the consultation period. The Action Plan will form the basis for improvements to the environment and primarily covers the five year period from 1998 to April 2003. Achievement of the Action Plan will be monitored and reported annually. Future annual reviews will include new issues as they arise. The area consists of some distinctive landscapes and a range of habitats which fall into three natural areas, Bodmin Moor, Cornish Killas and Granites and Culm Measures. Throughout the area there are Red Data Book species (lists of threatened species) and other rare plants and animals, many occurring in designated sites. The spectacular rocky coastline runs along the whole length of the area. The coastline displays nationally significant geological exposures, as well as maritime grassland, heathland and stunted woodland of high biological value. Woodland is generally scarce, although many of the steep valleys are thickly wooded. Culm grassland is found in the Bude hinterland and damp, rushy meadows are still quite common. Sturdy Cornish hedges criss-cross the area, many with characteristic wind-sculpted trees on top.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Bodmin
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA); Environmental planning; Environmental management; Water quality; Nature conservation; Flood control; Land use; Sewage; River Quality Objectives
Geographic Keywords: North Cornwall, Seaton, Looe and Fowey catchment; Cornwall; Camel (Cornwall)
Extent: 38
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1176
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