Title: Pearson's and Scotman's flashes : a review of water quality 1996 to 1999
Author: Environment Agency North West Region
Document Type: Monograph
Pearsons Flash and Scotmans Flash are two of many Flashes in the Wigan area and are a direct result of mining subsidence from Ince colliery (now disused). Pearsons Flash attracts wildfowl and there has been recent landscaping of the old coal slag heaps that lie adjacent to the Flash. Bottom sediments comprise mainly of finely grained coal slag which provides little stable substrate for aquatic vegetation. Up until April 1998, Pearsons Flash inlet frequently received discharges from local storm tanks, even during dry periods. Improvements to the sewage works and connecting storm tanks were carried out in spring/summer 1998. Increased tank capacity should ensure that overflow incidences are now reduced to approximately four per annum. Scotmans Flash is an intensively used recreation centre involving water contact sports. Periodically, the centre has had to be closed due to the presence of blue-green algae. Pearsons Flash drains into Scotmans Flash, as shown on the location map. Water quality of Pearsons and Scotmans Flashes has been sampled and analysed by the Environment Agency since 1996. At each sampling site physico-chemical parameters (DO, temperature, pH, specific conductivity) were taken through the water column and samples of the surface and bottom waters were analysed for algal concentration and primary nutrients (N,P,S). Secchi disc transparency was also recorded. During 1996 surveys, physico-chemical parameters were measured with a Windermere Profiler. Specific conductivity measurements from this instrument are not considered representative of the Flash and so are not detailed here. From 1997, a Hydrolab sonde has been used on all surveys. It must also be noted that slight changes in analytical methods at Nottingham Laboratory may affect interpretation of any long term data set. This report intends to provide a brief summary of water quality of the Flashes between 1996 and 1999, supporting individual survey reports (MSP-CME-96-02, 97-01, 97-03, 97-04, 98- 03, 98-04, 98-05) that provide detailed accounts.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: Warrington
Subject Keywords: Water quality; Wetlands; Statistical data
Geographic Keywords: Wigan
Extent: n.p.[15]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1183
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