Title: North Devon streams : first annual review, October 1998
Author: Environment Agency South West Region
Document Type: Monograph
LEAPs help us to identify and assess, prioritise and solve local environmental issues related to our functions, taking into account the views of our local customers. The outcome of the process is a local programme of integrated action for environmental improvement in order to optimise benefit for the local environment. The LEAP process involves several stages which began with the publication of the Consultation Report. The publication of the Consultation Report for the North Devon Streams Catchment marked the start of a three month period of formal consultation which enabled external organisations and the general public to work with us in planning the future of the local environment, At the end of this 3 month period a summary of the responses was published. Following on from the Consultation Report the North Devon Streams LEAP Action Plan was produced which took into account the results of the consultation and highlighted various actions for the catchment together with costs and benefits, identifying timescales and various partner organisations. This document will be reviewed on an annual basis.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA); Water quality; Rivers; Flood control; River fisheries; Nature conservation; Environmental management; Land use; Pollution control
Geographic Keywords: North Devon catchment; Devon; Lyn (Devon)
Extent: 19
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1197
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