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Title: Engineering the environment : profile of the Anglian Engineering Department
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This brochure gives insight into the activity of the Anglian Engineering Department which is heavily orientated to delivery of the Capital Programmes of Flood Defence and Water Resources. The Agency Corporate goals are summarised in the Ten Point Plan'. The Anglian Engineering Department is developing project management and personal behaviours to assist in the achievement of the plan. 1. Climate Change: Flood defences are constructed to accommodate climate change, in particular sea level rise. Internal practices of the Engineers seek to reduce C02 consumption from both minimising energy consumed in the construction processes and personal car usage; 2. Air Quality; 3. Water Resources: Low flow gauging stations are being constructed as part of the Anglian Regional Telemetry System. In the past, river support boreholes and pumping systems have also been constructed; 4. Biodiveisity: Environmental Assessment forms a significant element of the Flood Defence projects. This frequently assists in maintaining biodiversity and other ecological benefits including fisheries; 5. Fisheries; 6. Integrated River Basin Management: Delivery of the Flood Defence Capital Programme and Construction of Flood Defences and Water Resources works aids planning and management of River Basins. The development of strategies for holistic management of rivers to ensure that flood problems are solved without detrimental effects to other locations. The same process is applicable to management of coastal defences; 7. Conserving Land; 8. Managing Waste: Project Managers are able to make positive reductions in the use of primary material by maximising, where possible, use of recycled materials. In particular, the Government has set a target of 10% reduction in "primary aggregates" (ie material quarried from the earth). The Agency Engineers monitor their performance against this target and have achieved levels exceeding this in Anglian. Where it is not possible to obtain recycled or secondary materials then restoration plans or habitat creation are developed to mitigate the extraction. Waste products arising from projects are, wherever possible, built back into the works. If disposal is absolutely necessary then waste matter is taken to licensed disposal sites; 9. Regulating Industiy - No impact; 10. Openness/Businesslike: Project Management is developing new techniques and practices following the lead identified in the Gardiner an Theobald Report Jan 97. Partnering with Consultants and Contractors assists in improvements to quality. Open discussion of risks and constraints encourages better project management and alignment of objectives. Better relationships with Consultants and Contractors, encourage teamwork and efficiency and better value for money.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Environment AgencyEngineeringFlood controlFlood defence structuresFlood risk management
Geographic Keywords: EA Anglian
Extent: n.p.[48]
Total file downloads: 327

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