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Title: Newton Abbot flood plan : public information leaflet
Author: Environment Agency South West Region
Document Type: Monograph
This document is to advise people living in flood risk areas of the arrangements that have been put in place to deal with a flood. It is unlikely that flooding will occur and you should not be alarmed. However it is important that you read this leaflet so that you are aware of what could happen, what you can do to limit damage and what help will be available. Newton Abbot is at risk of flooding from the River Lemon. Flooding is likely to be caused by prolonged heavy rainfall on a saturated catchment, or intense rainfall over a short period as occasionally experienced during summer thunderstorm activity. The defences against flooding from the River Lemon were built after the floods in 1979 and consists of a dam and storage area about 2 kilometres upstream of the town centre, with channelisation throughout the town centre. The defences will protect the town from most floods, however, there remains a possibility that extremely severe conditions will overwhelm the defences and flood low-lying parts of the town. No defence can give absolute protection, it can only reduce the risk of flooding.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: FloodingFlood controlRiversFlood risk managementDisaster preparedness
Geographic Keywords: Newton AbbotLemon (river, Devon)South Devon catchment
Extent: n.p. [6]
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