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Title: Regional groundwater level monitoring network review : Stage 2 : Summary Report
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
Binnie Black an Veatch was engaged by the Environment Agency to carry out a strategic review of their regional groundwater level monitoring network in the Anglian Region. The review includes: an asset survey of the current network covering all the groundwater units in the Region; the development and application of a network design methodology to identify those boreholes to be included in the primary core network that is needed for general resource management; a Multiple Piezometer Study to identify the requirements for regional long-term monitoring of known or suspected vertical head gradients or head differences; the production of an Asset Management Plan for the core network. This report summarises the whole project. The design methodology is based on ranking each of the boreholes forming the current groundwater monitoring network by a number of attributes to enable them to be assigned to a 3-tier system: Tier 1 National Network: Consisting of monitoring boreholes with data of the highest quality where monitoring can be carried out to provide the detailed long-term record that is valuable for resource studies. This network will form the basis for the national monitoring network; Tier 2 Regional Network: This consists of core monitoring sites of regional importance. This network will provide groundwater level monitoring to meet most of the data usersdemands for water level information and monitoring of resource variations on a regional basis; Tier 3 Local Network: These are project orientated monitoring sites, and will typically form an important part of the monitoring network. These should include both long-term regional modelling and investigation projects over wide areas and more local issues such as the monitoring of individual abstraction licences,- quality and other environmental impacts, such as the effects of abstractions on wetlands and surface waters. The design methodology has been applied to both major and minor aquifers and defines criteria for the selection of appropriate monitoring network densities and the most appropriate monitoring frequency for each of the Regions aquifers. The overall objective is to meet the Agencys needs and obligations to provide groundwater data for the assessment and management of the Regions water resources.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2002
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: GroundwaterGroundwater monitoringWater levelsEnvironment Agency regionsAquifers
Geographic Keywords: EA Anglian
Extent: 26; + appendices
Total file downloads: 335

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