Title: Report on the By Brook low flow investigations : October 2001 : volume 1 : report
Author: Environment Agency South West Region North Wessex Area
Document Type: Monograph
In 1996 the Friends of the By Brook Valley (FOTBV) expressed concern to the Environment Agency about deterioration in the quality and quantity of water in the By Brook, especially since 1990. As a result, the By Brook catchment was identified as an issue in the Bristol Avon Local Environment Agency Plan (LEAP) (item 2.2.6) and also in the report A Price Worth Paying (March 1998) as a subject to be investigated in the Water Companies Asset Management Plan (AMP) 3 period. In order to initiate the investigations, the Agency commissioned Halcrow to produce an inception report, which was published in 1998. The reports recommendations were accepted by the Agency and the FOTBV as the basis for further action as a three year strategy for the catchment (Appendix 1). At the end of that period the additional information gathered and actions implemented would be reported back to the FOTBV in spring 2001. This is the promised report on the findings of the investigations. In the perception of the FOTBV, deterioration in the quality and quantity o f water in the By Brook is caused by: a decrease in summer flows, resulting from groundwater abstractions; - an increase in flashiness due to motorway runoff that drains into the Brook; water quality problems due to sewage treatment works, farm slurry and motorway runoff; resulting in decreased amenity and ecological value. It was, therefore, not sufficient to limit the study to water resources. It has examined: geology of the area, in order to derive a conceptual model describing the hydrogeology; groundwater records, for signs of general water resources deterioration; streamflows at a dense network of new sites, to examine catchment behaviour and estimate the impact of abstractions and discharges on flows; abstraction and discharge records to examine human impacts on flows; the impact of impoundments on water resources, water quality and ecology; rainfall records, to correlate with streamflow and investigate variability and trends; groundwater tracer results, to define the hydrogeological catchment boundary; River Quality Objectives and their achievement, to describe the water quality aspect of river flows; pollution incidents, consent compliance and their follow-up, to indicate that progress is being made to improve water quality; flora and fauna, by means of extended surveys.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2001
Publication Place: Somerset
Subject Keywords: Water quality; Water levels; Low water; Catchment management; Strategies
Geographic Keywords: EA South West; By Brook
Extent: 68
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1301
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