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Title: The River Itchen salmon action plan : consultation document
Author: Environment Agency Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: May 1998
This document is focused on the consultation document of the River Itchen salmon action plan. The River Itchen salmon fishery is one of only six remaining in English chalk streams. This Action Plan identifies factors believed to be causing declining stock levels, and puts forward a costed series of actions to reverse that decline to return to a self-sustaining fishery. The key limiting factors in freshwater which are preventing a recovery of the Itchen salmon stock are seen to be poor egg survival in gravel impacted by siltation/concretion combined with over exploitation of returning adults. Both of these factors are critically linked to the effects of low flows in the river.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: RiversSalmon Action PlansSalmon fisheriesChalk streamsSalmon
Geographic Keywords: EA South EastItchen (Hampshire)Test and Itchen catchment
Extent: 49
Total file downloads: 26

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