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Title: Sid and Otter action plan : plan from November 2000 to November 2005
Author: Environment Agency South West Region Devon Area
Document Type: Monograph
This document is the action plan of the Sid and Otter LEAP. In November 1996 the EA published the Rivers Sid and Otter Catchment Management Plan Action Plan, following a consultation process undertaken by the National Rivers Authority. The LEA process involves several stages as: LEAP Action Plan Consultation Draft; the Action Plan; and updates and reviews of this plan. The Action Plan takes into account the results of the consultation and sets out actions, identifying costs, timescales and partner organisations. Agreed actions were incorporated into our annual business plan.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: Exeter
Subject Keywords: RiversLocal action plans (EA)Reports
Geographic Keywords: EA South WestEast Devon catchmentSid (Devon)Otter (river, Devon)
Extent: 60; + maps
Total file downloads: 307

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