Title: Rivers Arun to Adur draft flood and erosion management strategy : draft flood and erosion management strategy : summary document
Author: Environment Agency Southern Region
Document Type: Monograph
This document focuses on the Rivers Arun to Adur draft flood and erosion management strategy. This document summarises the EA draft Rivers Arun to Adur flood and erosion management strategy and provides details on how people can comment. In 2000 the Environment Agency in partnership with Arun District Council, Worthing Borough Council and Adur District Council completed the Rivers Arun to Adur coastal defence strategy. The strategy made recommendations on how to manage the coastline until the year 2050.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 2000]
Publication Place: Worthing
Subject Keywords: Coastal erosion; Flood Management Strategy; Rivers; Flood risk management
Geographic Keywords: EA South East; Arun (Sussex); Arun and Western Streams catchment; Adur; Adur and Ouse catchment; Sussex
Extent: 23
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1383
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