Title: River Stour and Pant/Blackwater : PHABSIM studies : final report AK2417/63/DG/083 Rev 1 April 2001
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This report outlines the methodology and findings of a study carried out on behalf of the Environment Agency Anglian Region. The study used the Physical Habitat Simulation (PHABSIM) method to examine the effect of variable flow rates from the Ely Ouse to Essex
water transfer scheme (EOETS) on fish, invertebrate and macrophyte habitats in the Rivers Stour and Pant/Blackwater in Suffolk and Essex. Following a walkover survey of the catchment, six study sites were originally selected: three on the Stour and three on the Pant/Blackwater. At each site, a number of transects were identified for detailed data collection. These were selected with the intention of them representing habitat conditions in the rivers as a whole. During the execution of the fieldwork, two more sites (one on each study river) were added at the request of the Environment Agency, bringing the total to eight sites. Data collection included measurements of the following: channel cross-sections and longitudinal sections, substrate type, in-channel vegetation, overhanging vegetation, flow velocity, water surface level. Velocity and water surface levels were measured at three or four discharge levels in order to be able to simulate the full range of flows expected in the rivers.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2001
Publication Place: [Peterborough]
Subject Keywords: Habitats; Flow rate; Fish (food); Invertebrates; Macrophytes
Geographic Keywords: Stour (Suffolk); Combined Essex catchment; EA Anglian; Blackwater (Essex)
Extent: 68; + appendices
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1414
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