Title: Sankey/Glaze : annual review : February 1998
Author: Environment Agency North West Region
Document Type: Monograph
This Annual Review is the first to be produced in the South Area and details the work that has taken place in the Sankey/Glaze Area on the issues that were raised in the Local Environment Agency Plan (LEAP) consultation report back in May 1996. Some of the issues require other parties to work in partnership with us to achieve their resolution and this work will also be reported. The document also details future activities that are planned for the resolution of issues and one new issue has been added. The LEAP process is a flexible process, allowing issues to be moved on as circumstances change and the addition or removal of issues. For this reason the EA needed involvement to ensure that it achieves the improvements in the local environment.The South Area of North West Region has been split into seven LEAP areas. This Annual Review is the first to be produced in the South Area. This area is bounded by five other LEAPs, the Lower Mersey, Croal/lrwell, Mersey /Bollin, Douglas and Alt/Crossens. The Lower Mersey is at Action Plan stage and all others will be produced as consultation reports by the end of 1999.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Warrington
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Local action plans (EA); Annual reports; Environmental management
Geographic Keywords: EA North West; Sankey Brook; Mersey Estuary catchment
Extent: 39
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1426
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