Title: Severn Vale : environmental overview : August 1999
Author: Environment Agency Midlands Region
Document Type: Monograph
This Environmental Overview has been prepared to provide supporting information to the Severn Vale Local Environment Agency Plan (LEAP). It is a factual description and analysis of the Severn Vale environment and the stresses and strains placed upon it. From this overview a series of issues have emerged which have been carried forward into the Severn Vale LEAP. The scope of the Environmental Overview is confined to those aspects of the environment for which the Environment Agency has responsibility. These include, in summary: the water environment; land and habitats associated with rivers and coasts; some aspects of air quality; and waste management including contaminated land. This overview is not, therefore, intended to be a comprehensive assessment of the state of the Severn Vale environment. However, it has been prepared within the context of the Agencys overall aim to protect and enhance the whole environment, thus contributing to sustainable development. The Severn Vale LEAP is a strategic plan, addressing environmental issues that are of concern to the area as a whole or are of significant local concern.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Tewkesbury
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Local action plans (EA); Environmental factors
Geographic Keywords: EA Midlands; Severn Vale catchment
Extent: 152
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1443
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