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Title: Freshwater phytoplankton : standard methodologies : final draft : biology laboratory procedures manual. Section C : test methods and procedures
Author: National Rivers Authority Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This document analyses test methods and procedures for freshwater phytoplankton sampling and analysis. The identification and enumeration of phytoplankton is becoming an increasingly important component of biological work programmes. Long term monitoring of algae, in respect of eutrophication, has occurred in the Anglian Region for many years. More recently the monitoring of blue-green algae, toxic and nuisance marine species has become important. In addition there are two EC Directives, the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive |91/271/EEC] and Nitrates Directive [91/676/EEC] which have a requirement for monitoring phytoplankton in estuarine waters, coastal waters, still freshwaters and running freshwaters. The use of phytoplankton densities, in conjunction with chemical and physical data, is necessary for the effective control of eutrophication. Toxic algae, such as blue-greens and Prymnesium, are of great economic importance. Prymnesium can have a devastating effect on fisheries. Blue-green algae can cause death to livestock, and the potential health risk often forces closure of recreational facilities. Filter-feeding shellfish consume toxic dinoflagellates and in doing so, accumulate the algal toxins in their own tissue. These toxins can then be transferred to humans on consumption. Other marine species, such as Phaeocystis, can cause foaming on bathing waters, while some marine diatoms are responsible for fish deaths. Phytoplankton are monitored for many different reasons. For long term surveys the results are mainly used to examine comparative trends, whereas, with the analysis of toxic or nuisance species, quantity is the prime consideration.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: PhytoplanktonMonitoring techniquesMethodologySamplingAnalysisTaxonomyPopulationQuantitative analysis
Geographic Keywords: EA Anglian
Extent: n.p. [114]
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