Title: Sustainable development indicators : monitoring change in the East Midlands
Author: Environment Agency Midlands Region
Document Type: Monograph
The East Midlands Region Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs) project is an innovative pilot project set up to produce an initial set of SDIs for the East Midlands Region as part of an ongoing process of SDI development. Despite the considerable work that has gone into the project, the indicators presented in this report can only be considered as provisional. As the new regional structures emerge, new issues gain importance and new data sources are made available the indicators will evolve. At present, they represent a starting point on the long road towards a comprehensive means of monitoring the Region's progress towards sustainable development. This document contains sections on agriculture; air quality; built heritage; countryside access; crime; culture; derelict land and development; economy and business; education; health; homelessness; income, unemployment and poverty; participation and democracy; social cohesion; tranquility; transport; waste; water; and wildlife, habitats and landscape.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: [Solihull]
Subject Keywords: Sustainable development; Indicators
Geographic Keywords: EA Midlands
Extent: 40
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1488
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