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Title: Upper Fal Estuary urban waste water treatment directive sensitive area (eutrophic) designation : final draft report
Author: Tim Geatches
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: February 1997
The Upper Fal Estuary has been proposed as a sensitive area under the EC Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. Data collected since 1994 has shown that the estuary is prone to significant algal blooms under certain conditions during the summer. Modelling o f the system has shown Newham Sewage Treatment Works (STW) discharge to be a significant source of nutrients under these conditions. Of the bloom forming algae Alexandrium tamarense is of most concern due to its toxin production and link with Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP). PSP was shown by MAFF to be a problem within the proposed sensitive area during 1995. Nutrient stripping at Newham STW during the summer months would significantly decrease the total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) loading to the estuary and by that reduce eutrophication.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Place: Bodmin
Subject Keywords: EstuariesUrban Waste Water Treatment DirectiveDirectives (European Union)Algal bloomsSewage treatmentTotal inorganic nitrogenShellfish fisheries
Geographic Keywords: EA South WestWest Cornwall and the Fal catchment
Taxonomic Keywords: DinoflegellataAlexandrium tamarense
Extent: n.p. [34]
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