Title: Sustainable water resources for the future : values and challenges : consultation document for the Environment Agency's water resources strategies : the Anglian perspective
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This booklet summarised the main implications of each of the 13 national issues for the Anglian Region. This document contains sections on: "what environment should we protect?"; "how should we respond to climate change?"; "should we prioritise access to water resources?"; "should water resources be a consideration in the planning system?"; "what are the main dependencies between rural land-use and water resources?"; "is whater undervalued?"; "are customer restrictions an appropriate and effective way of saving water?"; "is our individual use of water sustainable?"; "water efficiency - should the Agency set targets for all water users?"; "how might competition in the water industry affect sustainable water resources management?"; "how far should leakage control be pursued?"; "should water resources be developed locally?"; and "how should we work out which water resource options are most acceptable?".
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Water resources; Sustainability; Strategies; Public relations
Geographic Keywords: EA Anglian
Extent: n.p. [20]
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1545
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