Title: Welland : action plan : January 1998
Author: Environment Agency Anglian Region
Document Type: Monograph
This Action Plan provides a blueprint for the future of the Welland Plan area which extends from the headwaters of the Welland near Market Harborough in Leicestershire to the Wash Estuary along the Lincolnshire coastline. The Environment Agency, in partnership with relevant organisations, used this Plan to ensure that improvements to the local environment are achieved and that good progress is made towards our vision. Principal sources of water in the Plan area are the River Welland, Rutland Water Reservoir (which takes much of its water from the River Nene) and the Southern Lincolnshire Limestone aquifer. Water resources are of particular concern to us at the moment due to the recent drought conditions and the subsequent pressure on rivers, wetlands and groundwaters - key issues in the Plan area reflect this. The quality of water in the Welland is generally good and surveys indicate that current quality is better than at any time since the early 1980s. However, the Welland suffers with the consequences of low flow and nutrient enrichment, which cause excess algae and weed growth resulting in water quality problems at a number of sites. Groundwater quality is generally good, although local groundwater pollution incidents do occur, the most serious of these being contamination of part of the Lincolnshire Limestone aquifer around Helpston, caused by leachate from a closed landfill site.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Local action plans (EA); Action plans
Geographic Keywords: EA Anglian; Welland catchment
Extent: 46
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1546
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