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Title: Weaver/Dane Local Environment Agency Plan : annual review : March 2001
Author: Environment Agency North West Region
Document Type: Monograph
The Weaver/Dane LEAP is a working document covering the five-year period 1998-2003, and publicises actions that are or could be ongoing in the local area to address local environmental issues. It seeks to encourage support for and involvement in these projects from prospective partners. This review provides an opportunity to highlight the work that has been undertaken and the progress that has been made against the published LEAP actions. Each of the following sections gives a brief comment on the stated commitments made in the LEAP, while the tables summarise the published LEAP actions. The review should be seen as an invitation to get involved in collaborative environmental problem solving. Since the LEAPs are local plans, local interest and collaborative potential can help influence the priorities and encourage support for local issues. Each section also provides a brief forward look, identifying the main areas for activity in the coming year. The following initiatives and pressures have influenced priorities for the forthcoming financial year and have directly influenced the resources that will be available to address LEAP actions.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2001
Publication Place: Warrington
Subject Keywords: RiversLocal action plans (EA)Annual reports
Geographic Keywords: EA North WestWeaver Gowy catchment
Extent: 64
Total file downloads: 287

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