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Title: West Midlands Tame : action plan : March 1999
Author: Environment Agency Middlands Region West Middlands Area
Document Type: Monograph
This action plan is the second stage in the Local Environment Agency Plan (LEAP) process for the West Midlands Tame area. The plan sets out in a series of action tables, a programme of work to be undertaken by the Agency and others over the next five years. It also looks at education, planning policy and existing partnerships within the area as a means of addressing wider, longterm issues. Progress against the plan will be monitored and reported annually. The plan covers the majority of the former county of the West Midlands including Birmingham, Solihull and much of the Black Country. Walsall and Sandwell lie within the area, although only the eastern parts of Wolverhampton and Dudley are included, as these boroughs are built on the watershed draining east to the River Tame and west to the River Stour with parts of Wolverhampton also draining north to the River Penk.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: [Solihull]
Subject Keywords: RiversLocal action plans (EA)Action plans
Geographic Keywords: EA MidlandsTame (West Midlands)Tame Anker and Mease catchment
Extent: 64
Total file downloads: 302

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