Title: Protecting groundwater : an international conference on applying policies and decision-making tools to land-use planning, 4-5 October 2001
Author: Environment Agency - National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre
Document Type: Monograph
This document is a compilation of papers presented in the international conference "Protecting Groundwater", held in Birmingham on the 4-5 October 2001. Papers showed in this Environment Agency report are: "an industrial viewpoint on groundwater protection", by Gordon Lethbridge, HSE Consultancy Group; "the groundwater-ecosystem link: the case for wetlands", by Robert Cunningham, The Wildlife Trusts; "Practical implementation of groundwater protection policy- development of supporting tools in England and Wales", by R.S. Ward, J.W.N. Smith and P.A. Marsland, EA; "UK water industry research limited diffuse pollutants in groundwater: economic appraisal", by Metcalf an Eddy Ltd, Birmingham; "Benchmarking groundwater risk assessment modelling tools", by J Whittaker, S R Buss, A W Herbert, M Fermor and J W N Smith, Environmental Simulations International and EA; "Groundwater protection and planning policy", by David Hickling, The Planning Cooperative Ltd.; "The legal framework and technocratic versus democratic issues for groundwater protection", by Dr Peter Howsam, Cranfield University, UK; "Groundwater protection in Western Australia", by Anthony'Laws, Water and Rivers Commission, Australia; "Groundwater in Ontario, Canada: policy issues and potential solutions"; by Dr David Neufeld, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Canada; "The groundwater protection scheme in Ireland: a risk-based tool for effective land-use planning", by Donal Daly, Geological Survey of Ireland and Dr Bruce Misstear, Trinity College, Ireland; "Groundwater remediation and monitoring for urban areas East Siberia, Russia", by Dr Larisa Auzina, Irkutsk State Technical University, Russia; "Carcass disposal and groundwater protection: Lessons learnt from the 2001 Foot and Mouth epidemic in the United Kingdom", by Tony Marsland, EA; "The potential of artificial tracers for aiding groundwater protection and risk assessment", by Dr Tim Atkinson, University College London; "Biosolids to land: Thames Waters GIS based methodology", by Dr Keith Baxter, Thames Water, UK; "Groundwater abstraction pollution risk assessment methodology" Steven Howe, Lucy Lytton, Rob Sage and Peter Greenaway, Vivendi Water Partnership, UK; "Tools to delineate Source Protection Zones for borehole and adit systems", by Professor David Lemer and Beiyan Zhang, Groundwater Protection and Restoration Group, University of Sheffield; "Methodology for wellhead protection areas implementation. Application to urban water supply catchments in carbonated and detritic formations in Spain", by Carlos Martinez-Navarrete and Alvaro Garcia- Garcia, Institute of Geology and Minerals, Spain; "Groundwater protection based on an integrated, dynamic flow and particle tracking", by Henrik Sorensen and Anders Refsgaard, Danish Hydraulic Institute, Water and Environment, Denmark; "Probability based protection zones in fractured aquifers implications for Land-use planners", by J .Nicky Robinson, WS Atkins and Professor John Barker, University College London; "Microbial and chemical tracer movement through contrasting soils", by Malcolm McCleod, Jackie Aislabie, Rhonda Fraser, Alexandra Roberts, Matthew'Taylor, Landcare Research, New Zealand and J.Smith, Montana Microbiological Services, USA; "Karst Groundwater Protection in England and Wales- an update", by Simon Neale, EA; "Defining groundwater protection zones in England and Wales", by Dr Andrew Lovett, Iain Lake, Kevin Hiscock, Gisela Sunnenberg, Aidan Foley University of East Anglia, UK and Sarah Evers, Steve Fletcher, EA; "Integrating groundwater protection policy with land use planning and risk assessment - an example using the developing guidance in England and Wales with respect to landfill location", by Tony Marsland, EA; "Linking groundwater and surface water management", by Steve Fletcher, EA; "Monitoring point construction as a constraint for vulnerability mapping with GIS", by Mark Betson, University College London and Andrew Lovett, University o f East Anglia, UK; "Predicting the impact of land cover change on groundwater recharge", by J W Finch, M Robinson, R J Harding, CEH, UK; "Planning non-mains sewerage discharges to ground", by B A Fretwell and J A Heathcote, Entec UK Ltd. and A Hart, EA; "Urban water management - an integrated approach", by Holger Kessler, British Geological Survey; "The inter-relationship between civil engineering works and groundwater protection", by Martin Preene, Arup Water and Rick Brassington, consultant hydrogeologist; "Groundwater source and resource protection - policy evolution in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland", by N S Robins, D W Peach, D F Ball and B E O Dochartaigh, British Geological Survey, and P McConvey, Geological Survey of Northern Ireland; "UK Water Industry Research Limited: Diffuse pollutants in groundwater: economic appraisal", by Paper submitted by Metcalf an Eddy Ltd, Birmingham, UK.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2001
Publication Place: Solihull
Subject Keywords: Groundwater; Groundwater pollution; Control methods; Risk assessment; Risk management; Policies; Conferences
Extent: 323
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1721
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