Title: Some guidance on the use of digital environmental data
Author: P.J. Hooker
Author: R.A. Ellison
Author: A.P. Marchant
Author: R.P. Shaw
Author: R.U. Leader
Author: R. Newsham
Author: M.J. Brown
Author: R.S. Ward
Author: N. Veitch
Author: A.J Hart
Author: J.L. Morris
Document Type: Monograph
This report provides some guidance on the nature and use of digital environmental data in G1S for improved land quality data, management. Geographical information systems (GIS) are being used increasingly in local authorities (LAs), the Environment Agency (the Agency), consultancies and industry. This project, jointly funded by the Agency and the British Geological Survey (BGS), has provided a Technical Guidance Report to encourage and guide the application of digital environmental data in GIS for users addressing land quality issues. The Report is broadly usable for a variety of land quality issues including unstable ground, conservation, contaminated land and sustainable development.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: Keyworth
Subject Keywords: Data; Data processing; Geographical information systems; Land evaluation
Extent: 93
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1727
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