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Title: Representation of the variation of hydraulic conductivity with saturated thickness in MODFLOW. Stages 1 and 2 : code changes and testing against Birmingham University code : technical note
Author: National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre
Document Type: Monograph
This technical note presents a summary of work carried out to improve the representation of groundwater flow processes in chalk and limestone aquifers managed by the Environment Agency. It is standard practice to evaluate groundwater resources using numerical models, which simulate the response of the heads and flows in an aquifer to abstraction, recharge and surface water interactions. The Agency has depided to adopt MODFLOW (McDonald an Harbaugh 1988, and 1996) as a best interim solution" for in-house groundwater flow modelling. It is an industry standard code that has been rigorously tested and evaluated; it simulates river/groundwater interactions, and is compatible with particle tracking codes. The Agency is keen to develop improvements to MODFLOW where its capabilities fall short of those needed to accurately model the flow behaviour of British aquifers. This is intended to provide a more reliable basis for resource assessment and management. As part of this work, a project was commissioned to include a mechanism to allow horizontal hydraulic conductivity to vary with depth in MODFLOW. Full implementation of this mechanism is being carried out in stages. This overview summarises the work carried out in Stages I and II.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Groundwater assessmentMethodologyAquifersFlow rateSurface waterLimestoneModelling
Extent: 7
Total file downloads: 308

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