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Title: Enhancements to modflow : variations in hydraulic conductivity and storage with depth (NC/00/23)
Author: Environment Agency - National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre
Document Type: Monograph
The work presented in this report forms part of the Environment Agency's continuing work to make enhancements to the groundwater modelling code MODFLOW (McDonald an Harbaugh, 1988; Harbaugh an McDonald, 1996), to include features that are important in UK hydrogeology. The enhancements have been made in a series of stages. The first two stages of the project (Environment Agency, 1999) involved making changes to the code to include a variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth (VKD), as is often observed in chalk and limestone aquifers. A third stage investigated the effect of VKD on an existing groundwater model of the South West Chilterns (Environment Agency, 2000). This stage of the project has been undertaken as part of a wider project entitled Enhancements to Modflow' of which the work documented in this report forms the first part. The enhancements that have been made to MODFLOW have been based on modelling work undertaken at Birmingham University (Rushton an Rathod, 1980, Rushton et al, 1982, Rushton et al, 1989, Rushton an Fawthrop, 1991, and Cross et al, 1995).
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2002
Publication Place: Solihull
Subject Keywords: GroundwaterFlow rateModelling
Extent: 36; + appendices
Total file downloads: 308

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