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Title: A strategic approach to the consideration of environmental harm
Author: Simon Pollard
Author: Raquel Duarte-Davidson
Author: Roger Yearsley
Author: Clare Twigger-Ross
Author: Jonathan Fisher
Author: Robert Willows
Author: Jimi Irwin
Document Type: Monograph
This report has drawn on the work of the Environment Agencys predecessors in this area as well as from others working in the field of strategic risk assessment. The document is not intended as a substitute for technical assessments at the site-specific level or to replace the use of environmental standards as a means of assessing damage to the environment. The approach involves capturing the key characteristics of environmental harm (magnitude, reversibility, spatial and temporal extent, latency etc.) using key words, or attributes, with meaning in a technical and socio-economic context. The various attributes may be grouped and represented graphically, so as to describe what we know collectively about the harm and the stakeholder reactions to it. Each of the attributes is presented on a qualitative scale so that attributes that have been plotted it the shaded area of the Figure will cause the highest overall impact in terms of the nature of the harm and/or the perception of that harm.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: London
Subject Keywords: Environmental impactRisk assessmentStrategies
Extent: 24
Total file downloads: 336

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