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Title: Landfill restoration and post closure management : consultation draft
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
Annotation: EA additional title info: Consultation draft WMP26E
This paper: describes the restoration and aftercare planning and design stages at the start of the landfill scheme; gives guidance on the integration of the restoration design with operational and pollution control priorities; reviews relevant legislation and policy; discusses technical considerations and professional skills; considers post-closure management of engineering systems; considers ways of minimising the impact of these works on aftercare and after-use. Moreover this consultation draft cover the restoration and aftercare of: new and existing land sites i.e. a quarry or other similar void filled to surrounding ground level; new and existing land-raising sites i.e. an area filled to form a new raised landform which may be considerably higher than the surrounding land; sites which have accepted all types of wastes including special, household, commercial, industrial, demolition/construction and inert wastes.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1996
Publication Place: Bristol
Subject Keywords: Waste disposalLand rehabilitationGuidelines
Extent: 251
Total file downloads: 22

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