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Title: Summary report on integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC) trials : Environment Agency IPPC project operations work package
Author: Doug Munkman
Author: Sara Spillett
Document Type: Monograph
This summary and the report that follows are written for staff of the Environment Agency ('the Agency') and industries that will be regulated under IPPC. Eight permitting trials took place in the period December 1998 to March 2000. This report is divided into two: Part 1 a summary of the permitting trials conducted and Part 2 the individual reports produced at the end of each trial. The IPPC permitting trials have been extremely useful in preparing for the Implementation o f IPPC in England and Wales. They have: Tested the Agencys knowledge, preparedness and tools and procedures; Similarly tested industrys knowledge and preparedness across a range of sectors; Ensured that one team in each Agency Region has had hands on experience with an IPPC application and permit; Shown that the Account Management approach can work and that the size of the team should vary with the installation; Given a focus to the Agencys comments on the IPPC Regulatory Package; Focused discussions with statutory consultees, NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and government departments; Allowed industry to comment on the Agencys guidance as it was developed; Assisted industry in estimating the resource implications of IPPC and informed the Agencys validation of its workload assumptions; Shown that pre-regulatory partnerships between industry and the Agency can work well and should be encouraged; Provided a start point for IPPC trials by the SEPA, the Northern Ireland Environment and Heritage Service and local authorities.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Place: [Bristol]
Subject Keywords: Pollution preventionIntegrated controlPilot projects
Extent: 137
Total file downloads: 81

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