Title: A better place for all - river stour waterway plan
Author: Environment Agency
Document Type: Monograph
This Plan is linked to the Quality of Life theme as set out in the Environment Agency Corporate Strategy 2006 - 2011. By taking this theme into account the EA will help local authorities and others to improve local environments, particularly in disadvantaged areas. It will also plays its part by encouraging more people from more diverse backgrounds to enjoy and care about their water environment, for example providing opportunities for them to enjoy our rivers. The River Stour Plan translates these documents into significant action for the river. In particular the plan reflects the fact that the Stour is not a typical navigable waterway, with most activity being low-key and involving small, manually propelled craft. This plan sets out our aspirations for the river and identifies actions appropriate to its unique character.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: Peterborough
Subject Keywords: Rivers; Quality of life; Action plans; Local authorities; Boating
Geographic Keywords: EA Anglian; Stour (Suffolk)
Extent: 27
Permalink: http://www.environmentdata.org/archive/ealit:1907
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