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Title: Use of airborne remote sensing to assist with industrial site monitoring risk assessment and detection of change : final draft
Author: Environment Agency - National Centre for Environmental Monitoring and Surveillance
Document Type: Monograph
This report outlines the collection of aerial survey data of various industrial sites in England and Wales using the National Centre for Environmental Data and Surveillance survey equipment. From the imagery gathered over these industrial sites the following potential environmental impacts were noted: signs of vegetation stress associated both with reclaimed land over old industrial sites and possible air pollution close to nuclear power stations; signs of enhanced vegetation growth close to coal fired power stations; enhanced algal growth on mudflats close to discharges of warm water from nuclear power stations and oil refinery processes; warmer ground around reclaimed land fill sites. The report concludes that aerial surveillance allows an overview of an industrial area to be collected, indicating potential environmental impacts. Further work would be required in order to develop a full strategy for the implementation of such techniques in routine risk analysis studies.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1998
Publication Place: Bath
Subject Keywords: Environmental impact assessmentMethodologyAerial surveyingAssessmentAir pollutionWater pollutionRisk assessmentStrategies
Geographic Keywords: EnglandWales
Extent: n.p. [30]
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