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Title: Swatcatch : a catchment scale model for predicting weekly river flows and pesticide concentrations : SSLRC report to the environment agency TAPS centre contract no : 82/3169
Author: J.M. Hollis
Author: C.D. Brown
Author: P. Thanigasalam
Document Type: Monograph
In March 1995, as part of the first phase of the development of a computer system for Prediction Of Pesticide Pollution In the Environment (POPPIE), SSLRC, through the project co-ordinators at the Water Research Centre, Medmenham, were commissioned by the Toxic and Persistent Substances (TAPS) Centre, National Rivers Authority, Anglian Region (now Environment Agency) to acquire and modify their existing model, SWAT, to work at the catchment level and to undertake a calibration and validation exercise on the modified model. This report gives a full description of the modified model, now called SWATCATCH, and details the results of the calibration and validation exercise.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: [after 1996]
Publication Place: [Bristol]
Subject Keywords: Environmental monitoringPollutionPesticidesModellingCatchment basins
Extent: 19; + appendices
Total file downloads: 288

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